- Casualize
- амер. Переводить постоянных работников в категорию временных
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
casualize — verb a) To become, or cause to become, casual; to become regarded casually We are concerned about the spread of casualized racism. b) To be converted from regular to casual labor Many of the workers have been casualized during the recent downturn … Wiktionary
casualize — cas|u|a|lize [ kæʒuə,laız ] verb transitive BRITISH to employ workers only when they are needed instead of as permanent staff ╾ ca|su|a|li|za|tion [ ,kæʒuəlı zeıʃn ] noun uncount … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
casualize — [[t]kæ̱ʒuəlaɪz[/t]] casualizes, casualizing, casualized VERB If a business casualizes its employees or casualizes their labour, it replaces employees with permanent contracts and full rights with employees with temporary contracts and few rights … English dictionary
casualize — v. make more casual; switch to a temporary job … English contemporary dictionary
casualize — casˈualize or casˈualise transitive verb 1. To render casual 2. To turn (regular workers) into casual workers • • • Main Entry: ↑casual … Useful english dictionary
casualise — cas|u|a|lise [ kæʒuə,laız ] a British spelling of casualize … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
casualization — or casualisation noun the replacement of a permanently employed workforce by casual workers. Derivatives casualize verb … English new terms dictionary
casualise — /ˈkæʒjuəlaɪz/ (say kazhyoohuhluyz) verb (t) (casualised, casualising) to structure (a workforce) so that there are greater numbers of casual staff and fewer permanent staff. Also, casualize. –casualisation, noun …